Hydraulic Services

CSU offers a wide variety of hydraulic services including hydraulic model studies, overtopping performance testing, and various other hydraulic testing.
A wide variety of hydraulic model studies can be conducted. These include but are not limited to spillway models, sediment transport models, and recreational features. Near prototype scales can be achieved in some cases.
Many different types of erosion control products can be tested under the most trying hydraulic conditions including geomats, ACBs, rock gabions, vegetated slopes, and many more.
Many different types of numerical models can be undertaken at the laboratory. Valuable insight about a system can be gained using 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D models.
Testing outside of the areas of Hydraulic Model Studies and Overtopping Performance Testing can be done as well, such as pump and turbine testing, product safety testing, and general product performance testing.